Department Of Obstetrics and Genecology

Dr Humera Noor

Assistant Professor/ Head of the Department

Contact Department

Mission & Purpose

We strive to nurture an academic and patient care environment conducive to acquiring and imparting high quality education, conducting innovative scientific research and providing promotive preventive and curative community services in an empathetic, humanistic and ethical manner. Departmental objectives: - 1. Patient care is our first priority' 2. Reduction in maternal mortality in alignment with the national goal. 3. Providing quality care to patients, high standard medical education based on new MCI pattern and training health care workers. 4. Providing family planning services and improving quality of life' 5. Embracing technological advancements for providing state of art patientcareandteachinglearningactivities. 6. We promise a safe and clean institutional delivery in a comfortable and friendly environment
