The department of Ophthalmology GMC Baramulla provides eye care and treatment to the North Kashmir involving( Distt Baramulla , Distt kupwara and Distt Bandipora) . The department entertains daily OPD of 200-250 patients and 150-200 eye surgeries per month. The department has one Associate Professor , one Assistant Professor ,one Consultant , three Senior Residents And two junior Residents. Besides imparting training to under graduate students , the department imparts training to 40 ophthalmic assistant Students. The department provides eye surgeries like phacoemulsification and minimal incision cataract surgeries and trabeculectomy to the glaucoma patients . Ocuuloplastic surgeries and other non intraocular surgeries are routinely done in the eye theatre . Anterior segmnt ND YAG laser done for patients of Angle closure glaucoma and posterior capsular opacification. The available ophthalmic diagnostics OPD has facility of indentation & Applination, tonometry , kerotometry, Ascan and Autorefractometry . Under the program of NCBP,the department provides treatment for Glaucoma, Non proliferative diabetic Retinopathy, glasses for school going children for refractive errors besides the cataract management ,childhood blindness , strabismus and refractions. We look forward for high end equipments in the form of OCT (optical coherence topography), F.F.A (Fundus Florescence angiography), Digital corneal topography for academics of post graduate and DNB students.